Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Projects I'll be starting!!

Okay! I've recently gotten back into knitting and the like. I haven't really made anything since I was really little but I'm all worked up because I have some super awesome ideas!! (^o^)

Thus far, I know how to make:
Leg/Arm Warmers

And I'm figuring out how to make gloves atm.

I'm going to make little winter sets of different themes. Such as Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon, Mario, Pac-man, and any other patterns I can find! I'm gonna be coooooozy!

Ahh...But now the big 'ol block in the road...I don't have enough money to start... (T_T) I need money for yarn and other stuffs, which I don't have....So it's gonna be a while before you see anything.....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Drawings Updates

Hi! I started a blog as you can see! And I have know idea what to put! So, I'm gonna treat it kinda like Facebook and see where that takes me. (^.^')

Well, I found some old pictures on my Grandma's computer while I was looking for the Christmas ones I lost. I plan to finish those soon and post them on my DA, though I want to get those Christmas ones up first.

I'm also sketching out a picture of my closer friends in second ward.
They're gonna be all chibi-fied!!

And darn...

I still need work on Sweet Hiroko. I only have the first four pages, a Valentine's picture, and the cover for the first volume partway done each. I'm really sucking, not to mention school starts soon. (O_o)